lps tgk entry iza pasal messy bun hair....aku trus try buat...urmm..nampak senang....nih dia the seken attempt...punya la terbalik2 tgn ke blkg nk amik pic ambot....taddddaaaa...my bun...
eaheahehahea...yeah i know i know pepol....it was very the messy....its ok...i will keep on trying..no sweat bebah!!
erm...i ordered domino's pizza for my dinner....niceee...pagi ptg siang malam main order ajer..n sumerrr fast fudd ajerrr...erm...domino's delivery lagik cepat drpd pizza hut..n lagi yummy22 yum pizzanya drpd pizza hut...n the ciken wings were sooooo greattttooos!!
update (after struggling n scratching to do the messy bun hair) :
ni lah hasilnya bila cuba2 pehtu tak jadi..pastu terjadi cmni pulak..urm...aku sokaaa amat..!!
ps:urm mayb aku takyah wat permanent perm where i can always do the messy bun hair n later lepaskn rambut? wink33..gud idea**
unexpected outcome. but nice..
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